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“In other news, Mayor Mort’s new scheme to revitalise the Industrial zone has been heralded as a great success even by it’s initial critics. The 'Death Zone' as it has been dubbed by some, opened formally last month and is already outputting green energy for the entire city.”

A pause while the newscaster gathers their breath.

“New psychic assault laws are also on the books to be reviewed, coming just as PSYCHE announced new standardised procedure to deal with novel psychic Entities. The recent incursion of an Entity collectively dubbed a 'Chromavore' has raised criticism over how some are treated, both in the safe and ethical disposal and in the handling were they to get out of control.”

“And finally, the Company Company finished its Icarus-like fall from grace today, finally announcing the closure of all but one of its premises. The Company, which will henceforth in Museford be known again as the Coffee Company, said in a statement–


The TV is switched off by one of the two women seated nearby. The Oiseau De Nuit, now re-opening under new management as the Raton Laveur De Blanche, is having a first-day sale. And coincidentally, it is the last day in Museford for the two prestigious guests. Karen Duppelbottom, failed mayoral candidate and former businesswoman, sits opposite Cassandra Eugene O’Leary, current CEO of the Museford-based Coffee Company, and the English branch of the Company Company.

“You seem quite content given the absolute shambles we’re in, Cassandra.”

Karen takes a sip of the wine, leaning back in her chair. Cassandra only gives a smile and a small shrug.

“There’s little that can be done, or could be done. If they wish to kick our offer in the teeth that was always their prerogative. The moment things go south for them they will come back and beg us or a competitor for help. And unlike them, we do not hold grudges nor think irrationally. We’ll be there when it happens.”

“And if that never happens?”

“Then it never does. Try not to think about this in too personal terms, it’s what gets a business into more trouble than it can get out of. Not everything is a testament to, or insult against, one’s ego. You’re right or you’re wrong. You just act accordingly to whichever turns out to be the case.”

“So you’re just… leaving? After all that? What was the point?”

“The point, as you well know, Karen, was to profit. Museford is no longer profitable. There is no longer a point.”

“That’s a lot of effort to go to to just cut costs and run.”

“And that, my dear, is business.”

eternity/company.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/04 15:50 by gm_geraint