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sample_character [2022/08/09 12:04]
gm_geraint created
sample_character [2022/08/09 12:50] (current)
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   * **Open Minded (+ AND -)**: It's not that Kellie //means// to project her dislike of what she's doing quite so loudly, it just sort of happens. Sometimes, beneath the anger, hosts can even pick up just how sad she really is.   * **Open Minded (+ AND -)**: It's not that Kellie //means// to project her dislike of what she's doing quite so loudly, it just sort of happens. Sometimes, beneath the anger, hosts can even pick up just how sad she really is.
-  * **Fragile Mind (-)**: Without spending much time practising in Headspace, Kellie isn't very good at keeping her avatar together.+  * **Airhead (-)**: Without spending much time practising in Headspace, Kellie isn't very good at keeping her avatar together.
sample_character.1660046694.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/08/09 12:04 by gm_geraint