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notable_organisations [2022/08/16 12:54]
notable_organisations [2022/08/16 13:26] (current)
gm_will [The Children of the Dawn]
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 **P**eople for the **S**afety of **Y**our relatives and **C**aution of **H**umanity projecting **E**thereally. **P**eople for the **S**afety of **Y**our relatives and **C**aution of **H**umanity projecting **E**thereally.
-Aside from the tortured acronym, PSYCHE is a widely respected Psychic organisation. They're a bureau for training and advice for new psychics, with an emphasis on safe and responsible projection. They organise the annual [[Cranium Conference]] to bring psychics together.+Aside from the tortured acronym, PSYCHE is a widely respected psychic organisation. They're a bureau for training and advice for new psychics, with an emphasis on safe and responsible projection. They organise the annual [[Cranium Conference]] to bring psychics together.
 PSYCHE is based in its headquarters in the [[museford_government|town hall]]. PSYCHE is based in its headquarters in the [[museford_government|town hall]].
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 {{:dawn.jpg?200  |}} {{:dawn.jpg?200  |}}
-Adherents can be seen handing out recruiting pamphlets in the [[cranium_shopping_centre | Cranium Shopping Centre]] and in many city streets, which proclaim that the Mother has secret knowledge that can guide her followers to a better life. No one knows where exactly Her Radiance resides, or the location of the group headquarters, or what exactly members get up to in their secret meetings, although Dawn members are known to frequent a herbal tea shop "Peculiar Brew" in the Musechester area. +Adherents can be seen handing out recruiting pamphlets in the [[cranium_shopping_centre | Cranium Shopping Mall]] and in many city streets, which proclaim that the Mother has secret knowledge that can guide her followers to a better life. No one knows where exactly Her Radiance resides, or the location of the group headquarters, or what exactly members get up to in their secret meetings, although Dawn members are known to frequent a herbal tea shop "Peculiar Brew" in the Musechester area. 
 The group’s activities have been viewed with suspicion by some Musefordians. However The Children seem happy enough, even when they are being rained on and their pamphlets get soggy. The group’s activities have been viewed with suspicion by some Musefordians. However The Children seem happy enough, even when they are being rained on and their pamphlets get soggy.
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 =====Ascension Psychics===== =====Ascension Psychics=====
-A group of Psychics interested in entirely transcending Breadspace to live as creatures of pure thoughts. They've never reported any success, and have been gradually losing members -- they still own a concrete grey slab of a building which acts as their headquarters but it seldom looks very active. Most believe what they are attempting is impossible and their attempts are in vain. Nonetheless they're expected to make an appearance at the cranium conference.+A group of psychics interested in entirely transcending Breadspace to live as creatures of pure thoughts. They've never reported any success, and have been gradually losing members -- they still own a concrete grey slab of a building which acts as their headquarters but it seldom looks very active. Most believe what they are attempting is impossible and their attempts are in vain. Nonetheless they're expected to make an appearance at the cranium conference.
 =====Notable NPCs===== =====Notable NPCs=====
notable_organisations.1660654490.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/16 12:54 by gm_will