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anatomy_of_a_headspace [2022/08/09 12:03]
gm_geraint created
anatomy_of_a_headspace [2022/08/14 18:32] (current)
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 ===Plane of Consciousness=== ===Plane of Consciousness===
-This area is the Hosts' current thoughts. As such its prone to change, but usually more comprehensible than the far reaches of the mind. The Host is present throughout the mind, able to communicate to Guests through thought, but their presence is strongest in the Plane of Consciousness. An example Plane of Consciousness could be a Hot Air Balloon, which overlooks the rest of the Headspace and dancing patterns of thought in the clouds.+This area is the Hosts' current thoughts. As such its prone to change, but usually more comprehensible than the far reaches of the mind. The Host is present throughout the mind, able to communicate to visitors through thought, but their presence is strongest in the Plane of Consciousness. An example Plane of Consciousness could be a Hot Air Balloon, which overlooks the rest of the Headspace and dancing patterns of thought in the clouds.
 The centre of the [[Cranium Conference]] is in Cassidy's Plane of Consciousness. The centre of the [[Cranium Conference]] is in Cassidy's Plane of Consciousness.
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 ===Sensory Array=== ===Sensory Array===
-The Sensory Array is the sensory input to the mind. It is usually located very close to the Plane of Consciousness, although may drift further away in sleep. Guests can tap into the Sensory Array to get a sense of their Hosts' experiences or, with enough practice, directly experience the world through their senses. [[glossary|Headrushing]] is when a psychic seeks out intense experiences to live through a host. Often this is is done through the sensory array, although as the experience progresses Headrushers may plunge deeper into the mind to wallow in primal thoughts and emotions.+The Sensory Array is the sensory input to the mind. It is usually located very close to the Plane of Consciousness, although may drift further away in sleep. Visitors can tap into the Sensory Array to get a sense of their Hosts' experiences or, with enough practice, directly experience the world through their senses. [[glossary|Headrushing]] is when a psychic seeks out intense experiences to live through a host. Often this is is done through the sensory array, although as the experience progresses Headrushers may plunge deeper into the mind to wallow in primal thoughts and emotions.
 A Sensory Array could appear as a forest of mushrooms, which psychics can tap into by touching their hands to the roots and accessing the fungal network. A Sensory Array could appear as a forest of mushrooms, which psychics can tap into by touching their hands to the roots and accessing the fungal network.
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 ===Subconscious Wilds=== ===Subconscious Wilds===
-The far reaches of any mind are a tangled mess of base instincts, repressed thoughts and unconscious desires. The Host has very little presence here, often not able to communicate to Visitors at all. The Wilds can be unpredictable and dangerous, but possibility of understanding them is an alluring perspective driving many Receptives to invite Psychics into their Headspaces. The Subconcious Wilds might be found amongst the crevices unseen of infinitely tall cliffs, battered by freezing waves at the edge of a sea of thoughts. +The far reaches of any mind are a tangled mess of base instincts, repressed thoughts and unconscious desires. The Host has very little presence here, often not able to communicate to visitors at all. The Wilds can be unpredictable and dangerous, but possibility of understanding them is an alluring perspective driving many receptives to invite psychics into their Headspaces.  
 +The Subconcious Wilds might be found amongst the crevices unseen of infinitely tall cliffs, battered by freezing waves at the edge of a sea of thoughts. 
anatomy_of_a_headspace.1660046622.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/09 12:03 by gm_geraint