
On a desolate plane in an arid Headspace, Katya Kearney struggles with another psychic. They jump from rock to rock, trading blows. Each one flares with repressed feeling, but the dry rocky canyons are built to withstand such treatment.

She's as beaten and bloody as she has been for weeks, but she doesn't really feel it anymore, or see it when she looks at her hands. The next fist into her gut doesn't make much of a difference.

Eventually her opponent is left sprawled on the dirt. She catches her breath then heads over to help them to their feet. They thank her, leave the Headspace. She's alone again.

She's not alone of course. She's inside someone's mind. Live. Dangerous? Was it enough? Will blowing off steam like this keep her from hurting anyone else? Some days Katya wonders if they were wrong. Perhaps they should have exiled her out into a desert like this with no hope of going back. It doesn't look like they will now. She'd have to do it herself.

She sighs. The fight helped. She leaves the Headspace.

A Day in the Life of Katya Kearney

Beep beep

Beep beep

Beep beep


7.03am. The alarm is turned off. Thus begins the remarkably unremarkable next page in the life of Katya Kearney. Not in prison, or an abandoned building, but her own flat once again. Just her, her parents left yesterday. She showers, dresses, eats cereal.

8.57am. She arrives at work with a smile and a wave to Jeffery, Laura and the others. Laura has brought cookies in. Katya takes a slightly burnt one. Then there's the morning meeting, to discuss the currently ongoing projects. She takes careful notes on the changes, and offers some advice to Jeffery on the wedding he's overseeing. She'll never find out how much of it he took. She tells herself she doesn't need to know.

11.45am. Before sending off the next round of emails she steals a look at her phone. Gl (good luck) at work, Roshni Saina has sent. See you tonight?. Her fingers skitter across the keys. My flat at 19:00 is good. Katya leans back and smiles, then opens up her emails.

12.31pm. Katya eats alone. She had planned to join her employees inside, but her legs carried her to a bench, a few minutes walk from the office. It's quiet.

3.11pm. Another client pulls out. They've found a different coordinator who is better suited to their brand. It's nothing personal. She knows it is.

4.30pm. A client calls to say how delighted they were with their recent event. She'll be passing on recommendations. Katya emphasises that it was the work of her excellent team. It feels good, though.

5.05pm. See you tomorrow everyone. The office goes dark.

6.55pm. They're early. The food isn't even cooked yet, it won't be ready for another five minute, she rushes to the door– The hug knocks her off balance, physically and mentally. Her breathing slows. She steps back to admire Roshni's new look, the short hair and the new clothes. It suits her. It's good to see her.

Roshni insists on helping serve the food. The food is great, they say. But they're not here to be provided for. They just wanted to see her. Katya asks Roshni about her day, and offers to go out to get clothes with them at the weekend. Roshni asks Katya about work.

“I made it through,” she says. She laughs. “What am I saying, there's nothing left to go wrong. I fell apart weeks ago.”

Roshni leaves not long after that. Katya sends her away with a cake for Amari, that she baked over the weekend.

10.32pm. I fell apart weeks ago. And yet here she is. At the end of another day in the life of Katya Kearney.

Her eyes close and she turns from this page to the next one.