====== Sample Turnsheet 1 ====== ==== Primary Action ==== === Aim === Tom is going to enter Mx Marshmallow's brain and confront the Mindworm that's been bothering them. === Details and Plan === So Tom has a personal grudge against Pirate Pete's doughnuts, as the jingle has worked its way into his brain and now he cannot get it out. As a result, and since Mx Marshmallow invited him into their Headspace to deal with a similar Worm in their mind, he'll pursue the Worm with cold rage, entirely focussed on the job. He plans to first go to the memory banks and use the **Memory Lane (+)** Quirk to trace back to where the Worm first appeared, and then his level 2 **Fleet** Skill to navigate through the Subconscious to reach the Worm and do battle with level 1 **Fight**, along with Eleanor, if she decided to come with me. Tom hates the jingle this Worm represents, so he'll fight to the end, even allowing his avatar to become damaged if it means killing the damn thing. === Quirks and Skills used === * Memory Lane (+): To find roughly where the Worm went. * Fleet 2: To track down the Worm. * Fight 1: To destroy the Worm. === Other NPC's Involved === * Eleanor, if she decided to help. * Mx Marshmallow, whose Headspace the Mindworm is in. ==== Secondary Actions ==== === Aim === Tom's going to research the history of Pirate Pete's CEO. === Details and Plan === In his ongoing crusade against this doughnut company, Tom is looking to ensure their foul campaigns never enter Museford again. Tom's going to research the CEO to see if he can cut some sort of business deal. Since Tom has his own ice cream shop, he hopes they could do a deal to stay out of each other's business. === Quirks and Skills Used === * Areas of Influence (+): Tom owns an ice cream store and access to business records. * Nemesis (-): Pirate Pete is Tom's enemy and may hinder his access. === Other NPC's Involved === * Pirate Pete. ==== Minor Actions ==== * Tom will send a letter thanking Rebecca for her help in showing him how to fight in a Headspace last Uptime. * Tom will continue to work hard at his ice cream store, trying (probably unsuccessfully) to put Pirate Pete out of his mind for a few hours. * Tom will give Eleanor a token of his gratitude if she helps him destroy the Mindworm in his Primary Action: A 50% off coupon for one ice-cream sundae from his shop! ------ ====== Sample Turnsheet 2 ====== ==== Primary Action ==== A piece of my mind. === Aim === Kellie is going to try to convince the Mayor's office to improve the transit network. === Details and Plan === Kellie has had quite enough with the Synapse transit system -- it just has too many young people on it playing their loud, nasty music, and they still haven't introduced free senior tickets. Really, she's worked hard all her life, it is the least the city could do. She is going to go to the Town Hall, with her proposals written out in her very best stationary, and tell the Mayor he needs to implement them right away. === Quirks and Skills used === * Proficiency: I can yell!: Kellie will make sure to get the Mayor's attention and get her points across. * Proficiency: I can tell things about people from the way they act: Kellie will make sure to watch the people in city hall to make sure they are listening attentively. === Other NPC's Involved === * Mayor Politick and other people at city hall. ==== Secondary Actions ==== Go down memory lane. === Aim === Kellie found a picture of her family on a beach holiday when David was small, but -- gosh -- she can barely remember it now. She will ask David to visit his Headspace to see if he remembers it better. === Details and Plan === Kellie is feeling a bit lonely recently, and wants to revisit happier times. As much as she is suspicious of her psychic-ness, she will ask her faithful son, David, to pick her up and take her round for tea. Then she will use her new fangled powers to project into his Headspace to see if she can re-experience that wonderful beach holiday in full technicolour, and spend some time -- in a manner of speaking -- with her son while she does so. === Quirks and Skills Used === * Confidant (+): So she can spend time with David. * Open Minded (+ AND -): Her happy thoughts of the beach holiday might spill out, but so might her annoyance at the whole psychic business. * Airhead (-): Lets hope her avatar doesn't dissolve in the sea. === Other NPC's Involved === * David, her son. ==== Minor Actions ==== * Kellie will take part in this week's board games night at the Retirement Home, but won't talk much during it, for once keeping her mouth shut as she considers the events of the previous Cranium Conference session. * Kellie will begin looking into a gift to get David for his upcoming birthday.